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Information and Resources for Teams

Tournament Guidelines (On Events Page)
Odyssey of the Mind teams are comprised of up to seven members. Only five team members may compete in the spontaneous portion of competition, but all seven may participate in the presentation of the long-term solution.

Determining a Team's Division

The team must compete in the lowest division for which it qualifies.
For example, if a team qualifies for Division II it cannot compete in Division III. The team member in the highest grade (U. S.) or the oldest (Other International) determines the teams division as follows:
Primary - Grades K-2 (U.S.)
Division I - Grades 3-5 (U.S.)
Division II - Grades 6-8 (U.S.)
Division III - Grades 9-12 (U.S.)
Division IV-College students
For Div III-Oldest team member does not qualify for Divisions I or II and is attending regular school-not a college or university or anything similar
(Other International).
 Collegiate for ALL TEAMS. All team members must have a high school diploma or its equivalent and be enrolled in at least one course at a two- or four-year college or university. High school students taking accredited courses do not qualify for Division IV.